Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries Limited has reached a new milestone of success. In one year, the company has earned 10 trillion dollars. In Indian currency which is about 6 lakh 92 thousand 600 crore rupees. No other company in the country has any record of such record income in one year.
Last March, Reliance submitted documents on how much revenue was earned at the end of the 2021-22 financial year. It said their income rose 22.5 percent in the last quarter of March. Of this, after the last quarter, the profit has been 16 thousand 203 crore. After the last quarter of the last financial year which was 13 thousand 228 crore.
According to Reliance, the increase in revenue was mainly
from oil refineries and telecom business. Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing
director of the company, said that despite the Covid epidemic and geopolitical
crisis, Reliance has set a precedent for success in FY 2022. Digital and retail
services have also done well. Despite the turmoil in the fuel market, oil and
chemical trade was reported to be stable.
In the 2021-22 financial year, Reliance Jio's per capita
income has increased by 10.6 percent. It has been reported that the profit has
increased with the increase of 22 percent tariff. Excluding income tax,
Reliance's revenue from oil and chemical business increased by 25 percent
compared to last year.
In the last one year, 210,000 new employees have been
recruited in different branches of the organization, said Mukesh Ambani. He
mentioned that the number of their retail stores in the whole country has
exceeded 15 thousand.
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