Popular Hollywood actor Will Smith has been in the headlines for the last few days. This time the presenter and comedian Chris Rock was slapped during the Oscar ceremony. Actor Will Smith has to resigned from the Academy of Motion The Picture Arts and Sciences. He faces a 10-year ban from the Oscars.
However, Smith is facing a number of problems not only in his career but also in his personal life. According to various media reports, he and Jada Pinket will be separated soon.
The incident
began when Will slapped comedian Chris Rock during the Oscars 2022. At one
point in the presentation, Rock made a joke about his wife Jada's illness.
Which is popularly known as alopecia. But Rock's joke didn't go down well with
the Pursuit of Happiness actor. Rock's cheek was slapped on the Oscar stage.
According to
a recent report in Hit Magazine, not everything is going well between Will
Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith since the scuffle. According to a source close to
the magazine, the couple is having a bad time in their relationship. They even
refrained from talking to each other. Although there were tensions about them
for years. But since the Oscar scandal, it has become even more intense.
In detail
about the situation between Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. The same source
further says, ‘If they separate. According to California law, the will is worth
মিল 350 million. Jada will have half the power. It is said to be one of the
ugliest divorces in showbiz history.
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